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Online Class: Tidal Lowland Development in Indonesia with a Case of Food Estate Project
Online Class: Spatial Engineering Earthquake & Humans; a Wicked Problem
Studi Investigasi Lapangan DIR Dadahup Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah (Balai Teknik Rawa)_PIT HATHI 37
Why the Netherlands is Europe’s Most OP Country
Model Peningkatan Air Saluran Sekunder dgn Op. Pintu Leher Angsa Paralon | Lahan Pasang Surut Tipe C
Paragon ID Leaders - Putri Bunga Addini - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Daerah Irigasi Rawa Sebakung terletak dlm Kawasan DAS Telake berada di Kabupaten PPU dan Paser
T04 - Kelompok 3 - Video Kuliah Lapangan
Sahara Desert Reveals Its Long-Lost City and Captivates the World
Society 5.0 • Japan's Smart Agriculture towards Sustainable Society
Nick Jepson - In China’s wake: How the commodity boom transformed development... (UCSB GS)